Food & Drink | Posted 01 May 2013

As last weekend was British Coffee Week, to mark the occasion, we’re giving you an insight into how it’s produced along with some added benefits of having a cuppa.

Coffee is produced in over 60 countries in the world – all of which are close to the Equator, so a tropical climate is an important feature for coffee cultivation. Brazil is by far the world’s largest coffee producer, with over 2 million tonnes exported each year, which is almost double that of it’s closest competitor, Vietnam.

Coffee production begins with the planting of coffee seeds. Within four years, the seeds have grown into coffee trees that contain coffee berries. The berries are then picked, placed in order of ripeness and the flesh is removed to reveal the bean. The seeds are then fermented, washed and dried. At this point, most coffee beans are a green colour, and only turn to the brown colour we’re all familiar with after the bean is roasted. Once a bean is roasted, it is graded, stored and prepared for exportation around the world.

There are many different variations of coffee plants around the world, and each one has a distinctive taste. Coffee Arabica accounts for 75-80% of the world’s coffee production, with the majority of the remainder being Coffee Robusta.

Perhaps the most fascinating coffee variation is Black Ivory, which is also the world’s most expensive. Coffee beans are consumed by elephants, then digested and recovered from the elephant feces. The stomach acid of the elephants breaks down the coffee bean’s protein, and creates a much smoother taste without the bitterness of regular coffee. Black Ivory Coffee costs around $1000 per kilo, thanks to the quality and limited availability of the coffee.  

Benefits of coffee

Millions of people love a nice cup of coffee, and many people drink coffee for extra energy to start the day. Aside from this, there are many little added benefits that you might not know about. For example, regular coffee drinkers have been found to have a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease as well as different cancers. Studies have found that people who drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day will halve the risk of developing liver cancer later in life. Add to this skin benefits, lower risk of diabetes and an increase in metabolism that can lead to weight loss, it’s no wonder why coffee is among the most widely consumed product in the world.

Types of coffee

Around the world, coffee is brewed and mixed in thousands of different ways, creating differing effects and tastes. Here are a few popular varieties that you may have heard of:

Café au lait

Literally meaning ‘coffee with milk’ in French, is similar to regular white coffee, however the milk is heated as opposed to being poured at room temperature.


Meaning ‘made on the spot for someone who orders it’ in Italian, an espresso is made when hot water is forced through coffee at a high pressure using an espresso machine.


Another Italian variation of coffee,  cappuccino is made with espresso, hot milk and milk-steamed foam. Sugar, chocolate or cinnamon are sometimes sprinkled on the top to improve taste and decoration.

Irish Coffee

Whiskey and cream is added to the top of the coffee drink, with sugar and sweetners.

Instant Coffee

Coffee beans are grounded down to make instant coffee, which is the most common form of coffee in households and private settings. Instant coffee instantly dissolves in water, so preparing a cup doesn’t take as long, although freshly brewed coffee usually tastes nicer than instant coffee.

Leonardo Hotels understand what an important part coffee plays in our daily lives. This is why a selection of Leonardo Hotels have all day coffee bars that serve Costa Coffee. This way, you’re able to enjoy British Coffee week at one of our hotels.

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